domingo, 2 de mayo de 2010

Otro Mozambique es Posible...

Koboko, sexta-feira 16 de Abril de 2010
As FMMI completam o seu 1º mês em Sábiê-Moçambique

Visitamos con la Brigada de Salud Goane II. Asistieron a la Campaña muchas mujeres con sus niños y niñas. Todavía me impresiona la cantidad de niños que tiene este país. Todos con la misma timidez y miedo, con las mismas miradas que parecen ver más allá del alma de quien les mira.
Son sin duda alguna las mujeres quienes hacen posible que este país avance y viva. Luchan por la vida aunque pierdan la suya; cuidan la vida aunque descuiden la suya; aman la vida aunque la muerte les aceche. Ellas llevan a sus espaldas el sufrimiento y la alegría de sus bebés, en sus cabezas llevan la cosecha, en sus manos la fuerza y la esperanza, en sus labios guardan la sonrisa, y en su corazón el amor de madre, de esposa, de hermana, de mujer. Sin ellas nada sería posible.

Inkomu! Las miro y me admiro! Las contemplo y Te contemplo a Ti que eres Madre porque engendraste todo lo Creado y lo cuidas y lo llevas con ternura. Las contemplo y te contemplo a Ti que eres Madre porque nos entregaste a tu Hijo nacido de Mujer, pero engendrado en tu seno de eternidad. En ellas te miro y me admiro, y viéndolas sé que Otro Mozambique es Posible.

1 comentario:

Ojos de Garza dijo...

Hello Manolín . We have seen the photos that you sent us. We have
laminated the photos of the school materials and took it around the classes
so that the children could see it.

We are very happy that you have received the school materials and we are able to help the children of Mozambique with their studies. We enjoyed seeing the children with their school materials a lot.

We continue collecting money every Thursday with the solidarity metre.

Did you cut your hair? We like your haircut a lot. You look very different with your new style. You look like another person with this hairstyle. We like the clothes that you are wearing. Some children say that you look like the school chess teacher, you look like brothers.
We also saw the elephants’ footprints. They were impressive. Have they gone yet? We are surprised by the danger the children face in Mozambique. We hope that the elephants haven’t hurt anyone and they have gone from the area so that all the children can go to school as soon as possible.

We are very happy at school. Last week third and fourth grades did a Spring Fashion Show in English.

We hope you come to our school again and show us dances and songs
from Mozambique.

- Have the cats grown?
- Are there any hospitals near where you live?
- Did you see the Barcelona v Inter Milan match?

A big hug from 3rd, 4th; 5th and 6th grades at Lucía Jiménez School for you and the children in Mozambique.